Ytala Yasmin Meléndez Condori; Nelly Antonieta Bernarda Kuong Gómez; Mayori Elizabeth Rojas Ramos & Ronaldo Alvarado Calderón


The objective of the study is to determine the effect of different concentrations of an experimental gel based on ethanolic extract of grape seeds (Vitis vinifera L) on the resistance to adhesion of nanohybrid resin The ethanolic extract based on Grape Seeds (EESU) by maceration in 70 % alcohol for 45 days. The active principle of grape seeds was reconstituted in powder form by mixing 200 ml of ultrapure water, 2 g. of Carbopol 940, 20 g. glycerol, 20g. of propylene glycol, 1g. of sodium benzoate, 1.5 of triethanolamine, obtaining a gel with a pH of 14, in concentrations of 5 %, 10 % and 15 %. The base substance was subjected to HPLC thin-layer chromatography to identify its chemical components, finding phenolic compounds (Gallic acid), tannins and, to a lesser extent, flavonoids. There were no significant differences between the control and experimental groups whose traction was performed immediately after dental whitening treatment, at 7 days and 14 days. The ethanolic extract of grape seeds (Vitis vinifera L) in concentrations of 5 %, 10 % and 15 % had the same effect on the resistance to the adhesion of nanohybrid resin.

KEY WORDS: Ethanolic Grape Seed Extract (EGSE).

How to cite this article

MELÉNDEZ, C. Y. Y.; KUONG, G. N. A. B.; ROJAS, R. M. E. & ALVARADO, C. R. Effect of different concentrations of an experimental gel based on ethanolic extract of grape seeds (Vitis vinifera L) on the adhesion resistance of nanohybrid resin. Int. J. Odontostomat., 16(4):578-583, 2022.