Karen Brisson Suárez; Alessandra Baasch; Sabrina de Castro Brasil; Juan D. Saavedra F.; Luciana Armada & Flavio R. F. Alves


Radicular cysts, either the pocket or the true cysts, are originated by an inflammation. However, in the literature, there has been great controversy surrounding, firstly, the dependence of the infection contained within the radicular conducts and, secondly, the kind of endodontic treatment performed in this sort of injury. In order to clarify this controversy, the literature concerning radicular cysts will be reviewed and it will be explained what technique is the most appropriate for diagnosing true cysts and pocket cysts. Likewise, the theory of self-sustaining, as well as the endodontic treatment for large radicular injuries associated to such cysts, will be further explained. Nonetheless, nowadays it has been demonstrated that both cysts are associated to infections contained within the system of radicular conducts and that they are only morphologically different. In addition, the root canal treatment has been recommended for teeth with great injuries associated to cysts.

KEY WORDS: apical periodontitis, pocket apical cyst, true apical cyst.

How to cite this article

BRISSON, S. K.; BAASCH, A.; DE CASTRO, B. S.; SAAVEDRA, F. J. D.; ARMADA, L. & ALVES, F. R. F. ¿Radicular cysts depend on endodontic infection? Int. J. Odontostomat., 15(3):626-633, 2021.