Daniel Jeréz; Cristián Venables; Germán Laissle; Carlos Avendaño & Humberto Velásquez


The reconstruction of peripheral nerves with allografts of human acellular nerves in neurosurgery is well studied, establishing its predictability and success in interventions mainly in the digital nerves of the hands. In maxillofacial surgery there is a growing investigation to be able to restore the inferior alveolar nerve in mandibular resection surgeries where the removal of this nervous structure is inevitable. The objective of this publication is to show a case report in which the reconstruction of the inferior alveolar nerve was performed with human acellular nerve allograft (Avance® Nerve Graft, Axogen) with microsurgery in order to provide sensitivity to the region of the affected face in a reconstructed patient with a microvascularized bone fibula graft after hemimandibulectomy due to plexiform ameloblastoma.

KEY WORDS: inferior alveolar nerve, human acellular nerve allograft, resección mandibular resection.

How to cite this article

JERÉZ, D.; VENABLES, C.; LAISSLE, G.; AVENDAÑO, C. & VELÁSQUEZ, H. Reconstruction of the inferior alveolar nerve with human acellular nerve allograft in mandibular resection: Case report. Int. J. Odontostomat., 14(3):400-406, 2020.