Engelke, Wilfried; Beltrán, Víctor; Fuentes, Ramón; Decco, Oscar


The trauma of surrounding bone structures during exodontia represents a mayor clinical shortcoming of conventional oral surgery. An alternative minimal invasive technique is presented to support aesthetic rehabilitation by conservation of alveolar bone walls. Endoscopically assisted root splitting (EARS) is a new technique for root removal wothout ostectomy. EARS consists of enlargment of the root canal, longitudinal root splitting, inward mobilisation and removal of the fragments under endoscopic control. In 24 patients (11 m, 13 f), aged 18-66 years, 8 central incisors, 6 lateral incisor, 5 canines and 5 bicuspids were removed using EARS. Endoscopic observation revealed complete maintenance of the buccal wall at it`s preoperative level, control radiographs showed no apical root remnants. EARS has revealed to be a valuable tool to avoid alveolar crest trauma during exodontia

KEY WORDS: Endoscopy; Extraction Socket, Socket Preservation.

How to cite this article

ENGELKE, W.; BELTRÁN, V.; FUENTES, R. & DECCO, O. Endoscopically Assisted Root Splitting (EARS): Method and First Results. Int. J. Odontostomat., 6(3):313-316, 2012.